Whether you are hoping to find a church to join or just visiting Birmingham for the day – all are welcome to join us for worship at St. Martin in the Bull Ring. Every time we gather for worship you will experience a warm, friendly, whole-hearted welcome, and the opportunity to join with a wonderfully diverse Christian community who seek to be passionate in worship, joyful in celebration, overflowing in thankfulness, and unceasing in prayer.
All our worship is prayerfully planned and prepared by the clergy team and other members of the church and will include the reading and teaching of the Bible, and prayers for ourselves and the wider world. We are also blessed by a team of gifted musicians and singers who provide a rich variety of music with which we can glorify and praise God.
Please come and worship with us – we will be delighted to meet you.
Lent, Holy Week and Easter Services
Ash Wednesday, 5th March
12:30pm & 7.00pm Holy Communion with Imposition of Ashes
Holy Week
Monday, 14th April
12.30pm & 6.00pm Prayer for Holy Week
Tuesday, 15th April
12.30pm Healing Service
6.00pm Prayer for Holy Week
Wednesday, 16th April
12.30pm & 6.00pm Prayer for Holy Week
Maundy Thursday, 17th April
12:30pm Holy Communion
7.00pm Holy Communion, ending with the stripping of the church and reading of the Passion narrative
Good Friday, 18th April
12.00-3.00pm Meditations on the Cross
Easter Sunday, 20th April
9.30am Holy Communion
11.00am All-Age Holy Communion
9:30am Holy Communion
11:00am Sunday Morning Worship with special activities for children and young people
All our Sunday worship is available online via our livestream. Please contact us to request a link.
12:00pm – 4:00pm Open Church
Our doors are open to visitors
12:30pm Healing Service
12:00pm – 5:00pm Open Church
Our doors are open to visitors
2:00pm – 5:00pm Open Church
Our doors are open to visitors
12:30pm Holy Communion
12:00pm – 5:00pm Open Church
Our doors are open to visitors
12:00pm – 5:00pm Open Church
Our doors are open to visitors
1:30pm – 3:00pm Healing Rooms Prayer Ministry
12:00pm – 4:00pm Open Church
Our doors are open to visitors
9:30 Sunday Holy Communion
Each Sunday at 09.30am we gather in our south chapel for a warm, welcoming service of holy communion, using liturgies that reflect the different seasons of the church year, including scripture readings, sermon, prayers of intercession, and all accompanied by traditional
hymns. Booklets and hymn books are used for this service.All our Sunday worship is available online via our livestream. Please contact us to request a link.
11:00am Sunday Morning Worship
Every Sunday at 11.00am, we gather in the main body of the church for our Sunday Morning Worship. Each service reflects the different5 seasons of the church year, and includes scripture readings, sermon, and prayers of intercession, all accompanied by a rich variety of church music led by our team of gifted musicians and singers. All the words for these services are projected on to screens.
Holy communion is included in this worship on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Sunday of every month. Every Sunday, there are special activities provided for children and young people.
All our Sunday worship is available online via our livestream. Please contact us to request a link.
11:00am 4th Sunday All-Age Worship
Every 4th Sunday of the month, the whole church family remains in the church together for our creative and interactive all-age worship. Our children and young people play a key role in each of these services by reading scripture, leading prayers, acting out drama, and performing music. This is a great opporunity to introduce young people to worship at St. Martin’s.
12:30pm Healing Service
Every Tuesday lunchtime, we gather for worship focused on the healing love of God, including music, scripture readings, sermon and prayer for healing. Every other Tuesday there is also the opportunity to share in holy communion.
12:30pm Thursday Holy Communion
Every Thursday lunchtime, we gather for a service of holy communion, using liturgies that reflect the different seasons of the churchy year, including scripture readings, sermon, and prayers of intercession.