” Together it is amazing what becomes possible “
“Each person in the St. Martin’s church family is gifted by God. Each of us has something to contribute, and when we do, we mesh together like the different parts of the body, with Jesus as our head. The more we use our gifts, working as one with Jesus, and as one with each other, the Lord’s will is done and His name is glorified.
Together, it is amazing what becomes possible… a testimony of the people of God, the body of Christ, working together in mission and ministry, sharing healing, grace and the good-news message of God’s love in the centre of Birmingham”.
Revd Jeremy Allcock
These are some of the ways you can get involved, serve, grow and be active with us
Speak to a member of our clergy team to learn more
Come and join us with your baby or pre-school child. We provide a safe place, a warm welcome, a hot drink for adults, a snack for toddlers, song, stories, toys, crafts and more! A great place to meet other carers and to make friends.
Registration will open the day before (Wednesday) or come to the glass door which will open at 10.30am.
For more information about our exciting new group, please contact our Youth & Children’s coordinator, Beky, on rebekah@bullring.org
Thursdays (during term time) | 10:30 – 12.00 | St Martin in the Bull Ring | £1 per session
Click or Tap the image to Sign up. Sign-up opens at 6.00 the day before.
10:30am 2nd Saturday of the month
Cuppa and Chat is our Place of Welcome. It meets from 10:00 – Noon every Monday excluding Bank Holidays. Join us for a cup of tea and sandwiches and pastries.
Prayer is a vital part of everything we do here. There are a variety of opportunities to participate in prayer ministry:
-Write a prayer for our Prayer Tree
-Pick up a copy of our Prayer Diary
-Attend our Tuesday 12:30 Healing Service
-Participate in our Friday afternoon Healing Rooms
-Join in online prayers
Speak to Revd Elsie to learn more
Click or Tap the postcard to Enlarge
The children and young people performed a dramatised version of Genesis 1 as part of our Harvest Service – Caring for Creation!
We want to be a welcoming team who bring people into worship and to feel included in what we do, no matter their level of musicianship. This poem sums up our team’s vision.
Renewed energy flows, we welcome in new faces,
Our worship journey, young and old embraces,
Many talents but one heart, rejoices
In the joy of leading this our church – glad voices:
Singing out; ringing out our sacred melodies,
Searching for sweet harmonies, diverse as our life’s tapestries,
Woven beautifully, intricately, joyfully, skilfully into a vision of heaven’s glories
At St. Martin in the Bull Ring we want everyone to grow into confident followers of Jesus Christ. To help achieve this aim, members of our church meet weekly in small groups, either online or in person. The groups are called ‘Growing Roots’. Each group studies the bible together, helps each other learn, gives encouragement and prays with one another.
In that way, we hope to grow deep roots in our faith and build our lives on the bible and the teaching of Jesus.