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Christians believe many things but put simply we believe that anyone from any background can live their life as a child of God and as a follower – or disciple – of Jesus. Through faith in Jesus, his death and resurrection, God invites us to share a life-long, loving relationship with him and to receive forgiveness, healing, care and compassion. God fills us with his Spirit who helps us to become better people and to live better lives. It is what Jesus described as ‘life in all its fullness’.
Through that same faith in Jesus we become part of his Church, a worldwide family of believers. Together we gather to worship God, to give him thanks and praise. We pray with each other and for each other. We learn from the Bible and use it as a foundation for life. We try to show the same love to others that God shows to us, through acts of kindness and generosity.
It is a life of great commitment but one in which we receive more blessings than we can imagine or deserve. It is a life lived in God’s love.
If you would like to know more about living life as a Christian then please come and find us, and please feel free to ask any questions – we may not have great answers, but we will do our best!
passionate in worship, joyful in celebration,
overflowing in thankfulness, unceasing in prayer,
wholehearted in welcome, generous in hospitality,
genuine in friendship, compassionate in support,
eager in sharing God’s love, confident in proclaiming Jesus, focused on growing disciples, creative in welcoming families, determined in helping the vulnerable,
committed to caring for creation
St. Martin in the Bull Ring sits in an iconic position in the social and retail heart of Britian’s second city. Significantly, there has been a church on this site since the 13th century – possibly before – and the history of St. Martin’s is integral to the story of Birmingham. It remains a cherished place of beauty and peace in a busy city centre and is visited by thousands every week. It is home to multiple civic occasions and special acts of worship throughout each year, welcoming people from across our city and our region. It continues to thrive as a place of worship and prayer for a vibrant, multi-ethnic, multi-generational Christian community.
Some of our oldest members came as young adults to hear the preaching of Canon Bryan Green, who drew enormous crowds in the 1950/60s, while some of our newest members have come from across the globe and have found a caring Christian community to call home. We exist because of the love of Jesus, and we think it is as important now as it was 700 years ago that, at the heart of Birmingham, there continues to be a living, active church – a loving Christian family where all in Birmingham are welcome.
St. Martin’s has been given funding for net zero projects which others can learn from as part of a new project from the Church of England.
We are one of over 100 churches to be offered a grant as part of the £5.2M Demonstrator Churches project from the Church of England’s Net Zero Programme.
This aims to help 114 churches in 2024 and 2025 pay for items such as solar panels, heat pumps, insulation, secondary glazing, LED lighting and infrared heating systems.
As work progresses, the network of Demonstrator Churches – representing many different types of community and situations – will share what they have learned more widely with dioceses and parishes so that all Church of England churches can learn from their experiences.
It is hoped the project will reduce carbon emissions by 6,615 tonnes by 2030 – targeting some of the highest emitting churches across the UK.
The Demonstrator Churches project is part of the Church of England’s ambitious Net Zero Carbon Programme which aims to equip, resource and support all parts of the Church to reduce carbon emissions from the energy used in its buildings, schools and through work-related transport by 2030.